6 CD Series: $33.00
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Item # LMS33
“I will praise thee for I am fearfully and wonderfully made…”
Psalms 139: 14 KJV
There are three basic emotional needs that each of us have. If any or all of these needs are not being fulfilled in our relationship with our Father, we will have an element of insecurity about us. God has designed us to receive our value or self-esteem from our relationship with Him. When we see ourselves the same way God does we will have a sense of completeness about us. If we are lacking in any of these 3 areas we will automatically, without an awareness of it, try to extract from the world and people around us to fill the voids we have. Insecurity has symptoms. Many of the symptoms can be cured by a accurate understanding of your heavenly Father’s perspective of you. Only your Father knows what makes you tick!